The pie thrower, portrait of Marion C.
huile sur toile, 100×100 cm
Every individual is unique, that’s the humanist postulate. This uniqueness is neither arithmetic nor mathematical nor computerized. Irreducible to the code. It must be repeated, individual coding is anti-humanist. What does this have to do with painting? The question of resemblance. Resemblance is neither duplication nor copy, nor model, nor coding of recognition, but the capture of the unique. Expressionism, stylization, serve resemblance, they do not betray it. The Renaissance painters had seen this well. The moderns have too often forgotten it. I hear: oh, it looks like a photo!… Yes, certainly, if one does not look, if one only recognizes. But painting is not facial recognition. Something is happening there that escapes all recognition, something subtle that modern art believed it could reveal crudely, at the risk of obscenity: the trace of the hand and the body. You don’t recognize the pie thrower? So you can see her.