Memento Mori
huile sur toile, 116×89 cm
What the slave said to the victorious Roman general, many of our contemporaries should hear, many of our ultra-rich, our leaders, our scientists, our technocrats, and all those transhumanists who hope to cheat death by indulging in the illusions of power and the machine: memento mori! I conceived this painting above all as a tribute to Andrea Mantegna. Facing reality was his strength, the fifteenth century admired it. We have much to learn today with our increasingly disconnected images and lives. Facing reality, not for the prowess of imitation, copying, or some kind of trompe-l’oeil, no, but because it alone is beautiful with all its tragedy and joy. There is no other. Memento mori, for many Romans, before the Church took hold of it, also meant: carpe diem.