This famous magician
oil on canvas, 100x100cm
… This famous magician is a street clown. A clown on break who, between quests, checks his iPhone. He is in socks to rest his feet, which suffer from the heat during his act. On his smartphone, he looks at online sales offers for sports shoes, unaware of the presence of one of his shoes in a state of levitation. The relationship between his back, his feet, and the levitating shoe forms a triangle, the famous sacred triangle, whose imaginary outline is highlighted by the white cane he holds between his toes. This outline meets the serial and constructed perspective of the bridge railing under which the impassive river flows. Is this clown blind, or does he pretend to be? In any case, he sees shoes!
On his socks, the brand is embroidered in white thread. If you get closer, you can decipher it: it’s the famous millennial brand ECCE HOMO. The play of sun and shadow, which cuts and composes the canvas diagonally, obviously creates an ascending path. The meaning suddenly appears bright, indivisible, and plural: Today, God is a shoe. A sports shoe.